Hola Familia y amigos!!
Well it has been one hec of a ride here at the MTC!! I'm so grateful for my time here. I sincerely feel a brotherhood with all the Elders in my District and many in my zone. Yesterday was an emotional day because we said goodbye to the MTC teachers we have grown to love so much. Their names are Hermana Ampuno from Ecudor and Hermano Schwarz from Gilbert, Az who just got from his mission to Houston a couple of months ago! They were so awesome, and filled with the Spirit. I have come to learn one of the best qualities in a teacher is being happy, patient, and simple. With these three keys it makes all the difference. But, ya it was a sad day but I also had an amazing experience that night.
We got to take calls at this place called the RC where people have ordered church videos online or The Book of Mormon or Bible or something to that effect. Well (it was in English) I called this lady named Evelyn in Colorado, because she had ordered a free Mr. Kruger's Christmas movie from the church five years ago and no one had been able to get ahold of her to follow up and see if she received it. So anyways, as I asked her about it she said was that years ago? And I said yea, haha, but she said she didn't remember ever watching it or anything. (Also when we call we say our name and that we are representatives for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). And so I said well Ma'am that movie is generally based on the Spirit of Christmas and the special time that is to celebrate the birth of the light of the world, even Jesus Christ. And then I just asked what religious preference she was, and she said she was a Baptist, and so I asked if I could share a message with her about Jesus Christ and how much he loved her. We talked about that for a little while and then the Spirit was able to guide me to 2 Nephi 31:20 which is Dad and mine favorite scripture. After I read that I asked her how she felt and she said she was going through some hard times in her life, and had been praying for an answer to come from somewhere, and just felt like this was the answer to her prayers. She said she didn't believe in coincidences and that this was her answer. She then told me she wanted one of those "Mormon Testaments" of which I had just told her I read from. I thought that was amazing, so I read her the promise in Moroni 10:4-5 and she accepted the committment to read that. She also wanted the missionaries to come over there and deliver that to her and share a message to her and her husband about Jesus Christ and his Gospel. I just reassured her and promised her of the blessings that would come into her life from this Gospel and the power of the Spirit that comes with reading the Book of Mormon. I also told her how much God loved her and that he knew her and her struggles. She was very touched and grateful for the call, and said at the end, "This just feels right, I know it."
That was a sweet experience to me that God knows each and everyone of his Children. He loves them more than we can know, and when they go and seek Him in prayer wanting to receive an answer or help with a difficulty, he will send it! It was a precious experience for me that got me so excited to teach the people that are preparing their hearts to receive all truth. I know God lives and that Jesus is the Christ!!
I have been getting pretty anxious this week, and have had a harder time focusing on my studys, but I have felt help all along my journey here. I also learned that I do not need to know everything. I just need to have a strong testimony of the basic principals of the Gospel and let the SPirit do the rest. All I am is an instrument in the hands of God to do his will. I wish I would have realized that more when I was younger. I regret my bad example at times, but I hope those I love and care about will forgive me for that and see that I have changed into someone who just wants to bless the lives of others through whatever means. I love this Gospel with all my heart! It has been awesome seeing Cody around he looks and is doing great! It is so nice to know that two of my dearest friends are serving the Lord right along side me :) As well as my sister of course!! The mission is the best thing that has ever happened to me, besides my family obviously, in my life! I love you all and wish you well! Next time I right I will be in Argentina :) :) God bless you! Oh I am trying to write all the letters I can this week, but today has been crazy so I'm so sorry if anyone doesn't get one this week I have just been packing all day!!! Oh btw I have a new address it should be up on Facebook :) Thanks Kin!
Elder Passantino
3 years already?
12 years ago
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