Hola familia! Como estan? Well I'm doing great after an amazing conference weekend huh?? Aren't you guys?? Wow I am so grateful to have living prophets and apostles on the earth today! Thank heavens God loves us enough to send his messangers to give us his direct word, and how grateful I am for a young boy who was young enough and humble enough to ask what is truth. The faith of that boy brought us the times of "restitution of all things." What an amzing blessing that is! I have gained and strengthened my testimony on so many facets of the Gospel while I have been here and throughout this past week. One of the things I have gained an absolute testimony of, and have had for quite some time, is the power of music in bringing the Spirit to any and every situation. Hymns have significant power as we thank God for the things he has given us that we in reality don't really deserve, and as we shout praises to his name for his work and life, and for giving us the authorized preisthood line of revelation(Elder Oaks talk Sunday morning) The power that they bring is really underappreciated I think because it can really bring such a feeling and comfort of peace into the soul of those who diligently sing the words with all their might, or listen to the Spirit's quite testimony throughout the song! It has been tough here because we are not allowed to listen to music at the MTC, so my companion and I have taken almost every opportunity to sing, or for him to play the piano, becuase he is an excellent pianist. My five favorite hymns I would have to say are, "O My Father," "Our Savior's Love," Nearer My God to Thee," The Spirit of God," and "Lord, I Would Follow Thee." They are amazing!!
SO this week we taught a lesson( in spanish I think it is our fifth 30min one) about the glorious restoration and the truths that have been restored through the Gospel. As Elder Frost and I taught, we truly felt the Spirit guide our lesson to the direction that God wanted it to go. We have had strongly emphasized to us, teaching people, not lessons. As you listen and try to understand those you love and teach, and listen and act upon the promptings of the Spirit, you will truthfully have the words to say come out of your mouth. That has been a testimony that has been solidified in my heart and that I know that that blessing from God is an absolute fact. Even though they are practice lessons, the Spirit still attends when testimony is bore about His restored Gospel, and the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.
Another thing that has been instilled in my soul this week is the divine organization of Christ's church. Jesus established a church while he was on the earth and founded it upon the rock of revelation. As the scriptures attest numerous times he called some prophets and apostles to administer the necessary saving ordinances for salvation, when he would assend back into Heaven. The organization of the Kingdom of God is again on the earth and I'm filled with gratitude that I live in a time where it can be here. Oh how much our Heavenly Father and His only Begotten son in the Flesh, Jesus Christ love us! I can feel their love daily and constantly use the Atonement of Jesus Christ to make myself a better person!
So, I thought that there were some intersting themes during conference. One that was a little scary, was the way and manner that Satan works. He works through whatever means he can to weasel and sneak his way into the weaknesses of man, and magnify it until he has us in his grasp. I thank God for the infinite gift of the atonement! It is truly the only thing that can set us free from his grasp, and help us put off the natural man and becometh a saint. Also there was an emphasis on gratitude and following the prophets. It was such a blessing to hear what everyone needed to hear from our Father in Heaven at this time. Also Elder Nelson talked about Missionary Work, in the Priesthood Session, which is close to my heart right now! ;)
Well here at the MTC things have been going very well! I still love my mission and the opportunity I have been given. It is difficult sometimes, like for example my companion has taught me a lot about patience. A lesson I desperately needed to learn. He does some things which are in complete contradiction to my way of doing things, but it has taught me that I have to be Christlike `in every relationship I will have, and the only things I can change are in myself. I'm so far from being at the level I want to be as a servant of the Lord, but I can feel the hand of Christ helping me along the path. It is truly a peaceful and comforting feeling. I thank my Father in Heaven everyday for my incredible family and my amazing friends who send me letters and send prayers on my behalf. I feel the power of your sustaing and I promise to work as hard as I can. This work is too important to slack. I am filling the Saviors call to serve in the end of Matthew last two verses! I love you all you are always in my heart and prayers!
Elder Passantino
3 years already?
12 years ago
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