Well Happy Easter Everyone!!!
This week has probably been one of the most amazing weeks of my mission :) Elder Austin and I just worked as hard as we could and prayed a lot for guidance on what we needed to do. We were truly blessed with some miracles this week. Let me tell you of just a few.
Tuesday morning we woke up early and were really feeling the Spirit. We really prayed hard to know the will of the Lord so that we could know what to do. We had a day planned and started executing it. We prayed for people who would be ready to hear the Gospel. As we started the day it was really great we were happy and in good spirits! We stopped by the house of a member just to see how he was doing. We felt prompted to ask him if he knew any people that might be willing to hear the Gospel. He told us of a family that he had been friends with for a long time who was going through a hard time. We had another apointment after that but felt prompted again to just go directly to the house. We went and found the mother of the family, an older lady and began talking to her. We talked about Jesus Christ and about other important things pertaining to the Gospel. She then told us this, "I had just recently started praying because I feel this time in my life I am ready to follow Jesus Christ and be baptized. I didn't really know how to do it so I told God that he would lead me and show me the way that I could be baptized. Then you two came.! :) It was a testimony builder to me that the Lord knows each and every one of his children and that the gospel in which we are engaged is true. She also said I told God I didn't want to get baptized in just any church, but I wanted to get baptized in the true church. I was humbly touched by the power of following the still and small voice of the Spirit. She will be getting baptized the 7th or 14th of march.
Later on we had intended to go by a family that we had on our list but lived a ways away. We decided to still go and see how they were doing. When we arrived a man ushered us in as if he had been waiting for us. We didn't know him at all but something felt different. He said, "I had had missionaries come over before, but I had never really prayed before. Yesterday I started praying and this morning I prayed by myself for the first time. I am going through a hard time in my life and the life of my family and I prayed that the Lord would give me guidance for my children and for my life. I would like my children to go to church and I would like to start going myself." Can you believe that?? God knows his children and God also knows the only thing that can cure all pain, guilt, and strengthen during trial is the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. We later shared our testimony on the cleansing power of the atonement and how accepting Jesus Christ in his life through the medium of baptism (John 3:5) can bring that free grace and mercy which only the Savior can provide. This gospel is a gospel of hope and of peace. It brings lasting satisfaction, not just the immediate gratification of ones own lust. It brings a cleanliness and holiness in your lives that can only be found by living the precepts found in Christ's true Gospel.
Oh what a week it was!! We worked as hard as we possibly could and relied on the Lord to do the rest. "Trust in the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and lean not on thine own understanding." That is true and as missionaries we do that everyday. It is a miracle to me that two americans who have lived in Argentina for 6 months and have the capability to help others come unto Christ. We never obligate anyone to do anything, we only invite and have them pray to know if it is what God wants not just the "Mormom missionaries." I can testify that it is what God wants but you have to pray about it to know if what I am saying has any truth to it. (James 1:5), (Moroni 10:3-5) I am so happy and enjoying the true happiness that comes through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The more I rely on him and His merits the more I want to take on his attributes and help all those in need of his everlasting hope!!
On some other news we will be having a Zone meeting this Wednesday in Mendoza, so we will take the 2 and a half hour bus ride down there so I am way excited for that!! I am learning so much from my district and zone it is so awesome!! Also i don't know if I have ever said this but like all the girls down here play Field Hockey, which is cool because a bunch of people in my family have played that lol. Argentina girls field Hockey is "supposedly" the best in the world or something... I don't know about that :) Well happy Easter(a little late)!! I love you all!! Take Care!
Elder Passantino
3 years already?
12 years ago