Dear Family and Friends!
Hola from Mendoza again! I made it back to the province of Mendoza for transfers and I am already loving it! My area is called Lujan. It is like an extension of Mendoza and Godoy Cruz downtown so there is a lot of city. It is a really nice city though so thats been great. My companion Elder Allen is a great man and filled with love. He was born in Pocatello and grew up there! His dad is a country singer named Darin Allen, you should look him up and see if he is good :) I think he is! He was ranked the 44 wrestler in the nation his senior year and turned down multiple full ride scholarships to serve a mission. He also received college requests for Baseball and Football. Quite the athlete wouldn´t you say?? In no way is he prideful though he is a great man. He has an incredible story of faith and converstion which I would tell if I had more time.
I got the opportunity to meet the new Mission President and his family this last week! He is an amazing man and full of the pure love of Christ. He talked about some scriptures in the New Testament and then in the Book of Mormon that made us feel such a greater love for our Savior and a determination to love and serve him even more. Christ asks us to follow his example and the scriptures say he gave his life for his friends. Obviously we cannot emmulate the infinite sacrifice that he performed but we can give our life for our friends through service. It was so powerful and I want to be a more faithful disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Right now in my new area we are teaching a hard drug addict. He is addicted to cocaine and Alcohol. We talked to him and gave him comfort and tried to help him with his problems and all the lies he believed such as: I cant go out in public and talk to people without drinking, or Im just too timid of a person and when I am on that stuff I become more outgoing. We helped him realize that those are lies that Satan wants him to believe. He understood what we said and took it to heart. He made the decision and came to church sober for the first time. He had been the first time he had been out sober in public in a long time. All he wanted in his life was forgiveness of all the bad things he has done. He has a good heart and a desire to follow God and be happy. He tool the first step and I am so happy and proud of him. Please be praying for him! His name is Danilo. I love you all so much and am praying for the welfare of each and everyone one of you! You truly are amazing at helping me on this incredible journey!
Elder Brian Passantino
3 years already?
12 years ago
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