Well Hello Fam and Friends,
Its been a week full of some great experiences. First off this week the tour de France randomly passed in front of our Apartment here in my area Luja de Cuyo! We walked outside and there were police officers everywhere. Someone then told us that the Tour de France was in Mendoza and that they were going to pass by so we got to watch a little bit of it! We got some good pictures and it was a good time. I don't know if it was really the "Tour de France" but it was some kind of Bicylce race with people from all over the world. It was funny because at one point there was a large group of racers and my comp yelled, "Go United States!" After he said that one of the racers yelled, "YEAH!" It was great!
I had another cool experience this week during a lesson. We are teaching Cristina's mom (the one who was baptized about a month ago) and it was great. As I related the story of the first vision using the words of Joseph Smith, you could tell something changed in her. As we continued talking she stopped us and said when you told the first vision I felt something, something different. She said it was like something in the room changed. We then talked about the "fruits of the Spirit" Galatas 5:22-23? and how we receive answers through the Spirit. She understood it and it made sense to her. She said that is exactly what she felt, like a still small voice. Later she said that when I was saying it it was if I wasn磘 saying it but that someone else was with power. It was a great experience and a testimony builder of the fact that the Spirit bears taestimony of the truth when it is humbly shared. She went to church and continues to have her testimony strengthened. I am very excited in the work and continue to see God work miracles in the lives of His children. Have a great week!
Elder Passantino
3 years already?
12 years ago
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