Dear Family and Friends,
It was a good Thanksgiving week, not like it usually is but it helped me reflect on the things I am thankful for. A family named the Cifuentes family made us a Thanksgiving Dinner on Saturday. It was sooooo nice of them!! They found two small turkeys, which are very rare here, and made mashed potatoes, green beens, corn on the cob, and gravy :) (they also threw in a little Argentine taste because they made empanadas too!) It was so kind I can´t really describe what a nice gesture and service it was. They are people who really have the pure love of Christ. It really touched me. A trait that people have here is what they have they give. They are easy to share and when someone is like that it brings a special confidence and peace into their lives. It reminded me of the parable of the talents.
The work is progressing immensely here. A 16 year old girl names Caterina is getting baptized this Saturday. She is so happy and excited! She was much different when we found her. She had lots of piercings, smoked, and had many other things she had to work out. As we taught her and as she gained a testimony of the things we teach she began to change. She took out the piercings, stopped smoking, changed her group of friends, and just completely changed. We always invite everyone to ask God about what we teach because he is the only one that cant lie, so she did that and described her answer as a burning in her chest after she prayed. Every time she read the scriptures, said a pray and went to church she felt that same confirming witness of the truthfulness of the Gospel. One of the greatest things I have seen in my mission is that absolute 180 degree turn and change that people make when they are brought to the knowledge of the true Gospel.
I want to thank all of you for your love, prayers, letters, thoughts and everything. I have more than 15 months as a missionary now and time is just flying. I know I couldn´t do it all without everything you all do for me and for the person you have helped me become. Have a great week!
Elder Passantino
3 years already?
12 years ago