Its been an eventful week here in San Juan. My companion and I were able to travel down to Mendoza for a ´´counsel´´(don t know if thats the right translation?) with some other leaders of the mission and the Mission President. We came back with a renewed strength and a greater vision. It has been interesting being here in Argentina. My heart really goes out to the people. Many of them dont really have any goals or plans for the future. The majority plan on living in the same city/house their whole lives without really putting any effort to progress or change. Mediocracy is the norm here and its really discourgaing sometimes. People get trapped into complacency and just think that is how life is. I am grateful to be from a country that promotes success, that pushes you to be better, and gives you the tools to do it. Its really simple. Have a dream or goal, make the plans to complete that goal, and do everything in your power to reach it. I have learned a ton about patient diligence from being a missionary. I hope that all of my friends and family have goals and plans to continually be improving themselves while lifting the hands that hang low.
Our desires are stemmed through a correct view of our identity. Once we know who we are we are filled with a sense of purpose and we are propelled to progression. Many people are comfortable with saying that we are children of God, but few are comfortable to define that divine heritage. As Eliza R. SNow puts it, ´´I had learned to call thee father, throu thy Spirit it from on high, but until the key of knowledge was restored, I knew not why.´´ Many in today´s world could easily accept the simple declaration that God is our Heavenly Father and we are his children, but very few people have come to understand what that means. Christ explained that, ´´life eternal is to know
(him) the only True God and Jesus Christ whom (he) has sent.´´ (John
17:3) When we comprehend our true relationship with God our Heavenly Father we comprehend ourselves and are filled with divine gratitude and stand at awe of the excellency of God´s character. The truth is we are the Spirit sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father made after, ´´his likeness and image.´´(Genesis 1:26-27) just as Adam had children after his likeness and image(Genesis 5:3). The scriptures are filled with this divine truth. Psalms tells us, ´´I have said,Ye are gods; all of you are children of the most high´´ which is again quoted by Christ( John 10:34). Paul tells of that we are the ´´offspring´´ of God (Acts 17:29). Paul also gives us an insight to our divine potential when he says, ´´The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.´´ (Romans 8:16-17) John gives us more implications into our divine heritage when he says, ´´Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.´´ (1 John 3:2) He later goes on to reveal more when he says quotes the Lord saying, ´´To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.´´(Revelation
3:21) and furthermore, ´´ He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.(Revelation
WHen the truth and saving knowledge enters into our hearts that we are the LITERAL spirit children of a Loving Heavenly Father we begin to understand the plan of this life. Why are we here? The answer is simple. To learn to become like our Heavenly Father and His Son, who was his perfect emmulator, and our perfect example of the Father.
(Matthew 5:48, 3 Nephi 12:48, 3 Nephi 27:27). Let us try to comprehend who we are, why we are so important to God, and what we need to do to become more like him. I hope you all have a great week!
Elder Passantino
3 years already?
12 years ago
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