Dear Family and Friends,
Another great week has come and gone!! SOmething way fun we got to do this week is go bowling!! Now I know that doesn´t sound too exciting but it is the first time in a long time that I have gotten to bowl. Of course I had to show everyone my skills so that was awesome!!!! Haha I didn't bowl very well though. It was a pretty ghetto bowling set up because every pin was attached to a string to keep them on so there wasn´t that cool explosion of balls after a strike like there usually is! Oh well it was still a lot of fun. As we were leaving we saw on a tv that Osama was killed!! SO we were are pretty happy about that. Not like its great to celebrate someones death but that needed to be done. He was an evil man!
Well I am not going to have too much time to email this week but we had a great week! We have both been working really hard and trying to do everything we can to help everyone. We have been working with the ward a lot and have been receiving a ton of support. The work of the Lord goes forward so much faster and more effective when we are all working in Unity. As D&C 4 talks about using a sickle to harvest the wheat, we realized as a mission and talked about it at mission conference, that using the ward and everyone together is like using a combines which are used now a days to harvest wheat and do it much more effectively. Two good working average men can harvest 1 acre of wheat in one days worth of work, but a combine(tractor) can do around a 100 acres in one day. Much more effecient and effective wouldn´t you say? That is how the work of the Lord is and how it will always be. The scriptures are full of pleas for unity and comradory so it must be pretty important!!
We have a baptism this week on Saturday of a younger girl named Yasmin. We are so excited :) It has been interesting teaching her and see the spirit in her as she speaks of her experiences with prayer. I could never stress the importance of prayer more than I do now because it is absolutely essencial. It is a time we have to literally commune and come to know our Heavenly Father. It truly is a conversation and we have to have listening ears to hear, or hear by the Spirit. The Lord has to be put to the test. He has invited us to pray, now lets do it and find out for sure if he is really there. Now I know that He is, but that has come through sacred and holy experiences that I wouldn´t have room to write them all. But we have to prove God and let Him know that we are here, and we are willing to come to know Him more through obedience to Him. He is ever aware of Us and we are at the center of his concerns. He is a personal God who knows us simply because we are his sons and daughters, or literally his eternal spirit offspring, ´´Acts 17:27-29´´ Romans 8:16-17. By the way the zone conference was phenominal and I was so filled with the SPirit during it :) I will miss President Lindahl when he leaves but he has served honorably and faithfully and the Lord has strengthened Him. I love this mission and this Gospel. I am happy and excited to continue on. If you could pray for these people it would be great: Florencia, Fabricio, Vicenta, Estela, Ximena, Julio, and Raul Carrizo that would be great!! I love you and miss you all!!! :)
Elder Brian Passantino
3 years already?
12 years ago
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