Well How are you all doing??
Things are going great here in San Juan. Elder Austin and I are working harder and harder and harder and seeing the Lords hand in our efforts. As missionaries I think we feel a little unprepared sometimes for all the situations we face, but luckily we have come to find that if we have the Spirit with us we need never fear of what to say or how to react in certain situations. We know that as we invite the Spirit of the Lord in our lives we invite a spokesman, as Aaron was for Moses, so can the Spirit be for us. In reality when we try to help or relate to someone in any aspect of their lives, it may be hard to do because we aren't in their shoes and don't know what they are going through, but luckily God does. When we have his companionship we need never fear. That is what we try to do as missionaries. We are a bunch of imperfect men and women trying to live as befits one who is a servant of the Lord. All of us can have that power as we live righteous lives and seek to commune with the Lord through fervent and faithful prayer.
One of our greatest tools as missionaries is the Book of Mormon. It truly is the fulfilment of Biblical prophesy(Ezk: 37:15-20, Gen 49:22-26, PS 85:11, Isa 5:26, Isa 29:4,9-18, John 10:16) and a "marvelous work and a wonder"! It is the keystone and proving point of the "religion" of which I and millions others profess. It is a wonder how we have it and for what purpose it came to pass. It is a miracle that it was translated in 60 days. It gives greater light to the world as pertaining to Jesus the Christ and his teachings. If the Book of Mormon is true, which it is, than the Bible is true(Mormon 7:9) and if it is true than God Lives, Jesus is the Christ the son of the Living God, God's church has been restored to the earth through Joseph Smith His prophet, and what myself and more than fifty thousand other missionaries are doing is the will of God. Of this I have a firm conviction that no man can give me. No not my friends, no not my leaders, and no not even my parents but only the Holy SPirit of God which he will shed on those who really want to follow him. Arguments contrary to the church or the Book of Mormon are as a "sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal"!( 1 Corinthians 13:1) There may be doubts yes and that is fine. There may be things that people don understand, but show me one person on the face of the earth that understands everything. Even Nephi humbly admitted, a prophet of the most high, "!I do not know the meaning of all things." I don't think that everyone understands the import of the message we share. We beg people to just read and pray about the Book of Mormon. Just to ask God if it is true, and I have seen miracles when people do this. They change. They understand the Christ better, and have a stronger conviction to serve him. For those who have not took the challenge to read the Book of Mormon I challenge you to do so. Put yourself and God on the line. The promise of the Book of Mormon is found in Moroni 10:3-5. This promise is true. God is not a silent God or like the god of baal elijah described , " is in a journey, or peradventure he sleepeth, and must be awaked." He loves his childrem and wants them to be happy and successful. He did not only speak to one small part of the world and allow over 1000 years to pass away without anyone having access to his word. He spoke in other lands (namely in the Book of Mormon, the Americas) and still speaks. To this I testify and admonish any seeker of truth to read the Book of Mormon and have the testimony of God branded on your hearts. Please do so especially if you have had any doubts concerning this sacred record.
Sorry I just thought I would say a little testimony of what I am doing. We are helping a lady right now prepare for baptism and helping her quit smoking. A month ago she smoked three packs a day, which equals about 60 cigarettes a day. And now through the help she has received from God and the prayers of many she no longer smokes. That was a miracle to me and still is a living testimony that God is there to help us always. I am a happy person and optimistic about the future. I know what I am doing is true and I am having a blast doing it! Argentina is a little crazy sometime but it is great and the good people are full of love. I have met people of all types and am convinced more and more that everyone is a son or daughter of God. I love you all and God bless you!! ALso congrats to my sister who just finished an honorable mission last week !! :)
Elder Passantino
3 years already?
12 years ago
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