Dear Family and Friends,
Hola from the snow capped mendoza! Well there really isnt much snow here in the city, but the mountains are now officially covered in snow. While everyone is burning up there in the States we are freezing down here in Argentina. Its been fun though :9 Its funny because the people here react so much to how the weather is. Its different though because less than half of the people have cars so I guess I'll give them a break. We had a phenominal leadership training this last Tuesday with all the Zone Leaders and with President. It was really great to get to know his vision a little bit more and to feel of the Spirit that he brings. He talked a lot about Leaders in the scriptures and especially about Captain Moroni and the power that he had through his faith in Christ. We also talked about the importance of prayer and how we need to communicate with the Lord not simply recite the same things over and over. I have made it a goal of mine to pray with greater faith and take the Lords promise seriously when he says, "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive" Matthew 21:22. I am truly convinced that God grants to us our desires if they aligned with his will. He wants us to suceed and anything righteous that we truly desire to have and posess, especially if it will benefit our fellow men, he will grant it us. I have gained such a strong testimony of that and the power of our desires. Everytime that my companion and I have truly wanted something righteous, prayed with a sincere heart, and done everything within out power to acheive it we have seen miracles. If you were all with me you would all know what I mean. Some of these experiences that we have are so special I dont think I could really give it justice in an email. Just know that I know these things are true and everyone can have a personal experience of this joy that I am experiencing. This is truly a miracle. I love the Lord and know he lives. I love all of you and thank you all for your love and support.
Elder Passantino
3 years already?
12 years ago
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