Hey Family!!
Hows it going everyone! Well I guess week three is over! Time here is really crazy. Kyle wagner told me in a letter this week that one day feels like a week and a week feels like one day!! Its so true haha. Well anyway it's been another amazing week at the MTC! My Spanish is improving every week and I feel more comfortable because I am really relying on the Lord in all my study. It's such a blessing to me that I studied the Scriptures before my mission because even if I don't know how exactly to say the scripture in Spanish, I can find the scripture that will answer a specific question so I have been really blessed in that respect. We have a thing called the TRC where we practice teaching people and people from the Provo area come in (usually members) and have us practice. It was Elder Frost and my first time teaching the first Discussion in Spanish in a setting like that. We were teaching both people who spoke only Spanish to us so it was interesting but a real eye opener. The Spirit really helped each of us know what to say when we needed it, it was amazing. It was probably the most eloquent we have both spoken Spanish thus far! Its amazing how the Lord blesses you when you are doing his work. The Gospel is so amazing and it brings me so much joy!!!
So we had another amazing District Meeting this week on the Spirit. I asked a few of the Elders to do certain things regarding experiences they have had with the Spirit in their lives. Some shared the Doctrine of the Spirit, and another Elder shared the role the Spirit played in his conversion! It was amazing to me how essential and influencial the Spirit can be. When I spoke I remembered stories that I haven't thought about for years. It was amazing how when we are worthy of the Spirit it can give us the words to say when we really need it. I felt prompted to tell each Elder in there that during their missions, if they worked hard and relyed wholy upon the Lord, they would witness an experience where God would show them through the Spirit how much he really loves every person in this world. He would show them through the Spirit, "charity the pure love of Christ." It was an amazing experience!! I love learning from all the people here. Everyone truly has something to offer to the Gospel plan that no one else can, and it has been an immense blessing for me to gain a testimony that we truly can learn something from everyone. I know that is true now. And this week has again proved to me that if we are worthy of the Spirit he will tell us all things that need to be done and said in the moment that we need them.
Another cool thing this week was making contacts. We go up to other missionaries and offer them our testimony in Spanish and a short message. My companion and I were very pleased when one of the missionaries who has been here three weeks longer than us, thought we had been there much longer than him, and was impressed at how well we spoke. Its always nice to receive that encouragement on something that is such a challenge.
Today we got to go to the temple again, and myself and five other Elders from the District participated in Sealings which was such a wonderful spiritual experience. It is amazing the blessings the Lord will pour out upon his faithful, simply because he loves us more than anything!! Also one of the Elders in our District, (who is also Bruce R. McConkies great grandson!) father is the temple recorder, so we got to talk to his dad and ask him any questions so that was awesome! He also said he could give us an "all-access tour" of the Salt Lake Temple when we get off our missions if we wanted to!
Thank you guys so much for your love and support and letters! I love getting them from my family and friends its truly a dear blessing while I am here at the MTC! The Lord is at work in the lives of all the missionaries here and he wants us all to succeed. He shows us that unity is the way of the Lord, and how he accomplishes his work. Oh I memorized the first vision in Spanish this week so that was cool!! I really am continually working on becoming a more Holy disciple of Jesus Christ and becoming a faithful servant. Its amazing how much of a Better day you have when you work as hard as you can, and see the daily miracles which the Lord is eager to give us. Its a blessing being in the same place as so many people striving to do the right thing, following Jesus Christ, constantly in a state of worship and praise of Him and the Father. The doctrines of the Gospel are more fully expounded to us as we study the simple truths that are the first and most basic principals of the Gospel. The depth will come through the Spirit as we truly have this glorious religious experience for ourselves. A testimony comes from the Spirit and comes from within, as we lose our pride, and become willing to be wrong, and willing to except all of God's truth. I am bold to say that I know this work is true and that what the sectarian world refers to as Mormonism is the eternal truth of Heaven. It is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I love my family more than I can describe, my friends as well and no matter what anyone believes or does I love them. I'm grateful for the most amazing family in the world and the most amazing friends! I will try to write you all back as soon as I can!! Its amazing here and I have been changed by the Spirit of the Lord!
Sincerely and with Love,
Elder Passantino
3 years already?
12 years ago
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